Chi nhánh Ven Biển, Trung tâm Nhiệt đới Việt - Nga
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Tóm tắt
Cathodic polarization of AH36 structural steel is conducted according to TCVN 10264:2014. The process of deposit precipitation on the cathode surface is monitored and described. This article compares some electrochemical properties of surfaces containing calcareous deposits and analyzes the morphological characteristics and components of the deposits, thereby evaluating the effects of surface calcareous deposits on the corrosion of AH36 structural steel in natural seawater. This influence depends on the polarization parameters and, consequently, on the morphological characteristics of the calcareous deposit films.
Từ khóa
Cathodic polarization, AH36 structural steel, calcareous deposit, surface precipitation, natural seawater
Chi tiết bài viết
Tài liệu tham khảo
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