Journal of Tropical Science and Engineering 2024-12-10T00:00:00+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Tropical Science and Engineering is a multidisciplinary journal (chemistry and materials, biology and biomedicine) published since 2012 under the License of Press Operation No.1479/GP-BTTTT issued on August 20th, 2012 by the Minister of Information and Communications and International Standard Code ISSN 0866-7535 issued by the National Agency for Science and Technology Information, Ministry of Science and Technology.</p> FLUXES OF ENERGY, WATER AND CO2 ABOVE A TROPICAL MONSOON FOREST IN DONG NAI: RESULTS OF 10 YEARS OF MEASUREMENTS 2024-11-01T09:14:12+07:00 KURBATOVA JU. A KURICHEVA O. A AVILOV V. K BA DUY DINH MANH VU THINH NGUYEN VAN LUU DO PHONG MYSLITSKAYA N. A AMIROV F. O KUZNETSOV A. N This paper explores over 10 years of continuous measurements of energy, water, and carbon dioxide fluxes at the first established eddy covariance site in Vietnam, located above a mature semi-evergreen tropical seasonal forest. Daily, seasonal, and interannual variations of turbulent fluxes and meteorological parameters were analyzed. Evapotranspiration decreased in the second half of the dry season, and the net ecosystem exchange of CO₂ shifted to positive values (indicating the tropical forest becomes a CO₂ source rather than a sink) during the hot-dry period of the year (March-May). Net radiation showed minimal interannual and seasonal variation. In contrast, precipitation varied significantly from year to year, with pronounced differences between dry seasons. These precipitation variations influenced the annual rate of evapotranspiration but did not significantly affect the annual net ecosystem exchange of CO₂. Overall, the tropical forest ecosystem acted as a substantial net sink of CO₂ from the atmosphere. 2022-12-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ON THE PRACTICE OF KEEPING AND REARING BAMBOO RATS (RODENTIA, SPALACIDAE, RHIZOMYS) IN VIETNAM 2024-11-01T09:20:44+07:00 DUNG DINH THE BALAKIREV A. E 1. Corbet G. B., Hill J. E., The mammals of the Indomalayan Region: a systematic review, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992, 488 pp. 2. Kuznetsov G. V., Mammals of Vietnam, Moscow: The Association of Scientific Publishing House KMK, 2006, 420 pp. (in Russian). 3. Smith A. T., Xie Y., A guide to the mammals of China, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008, 392 pp. 4. Francis C. M., A guide to the mammals of Southeast Asia, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008, 392 pp. 5. Wilson D. E., Lacher T. E. Jr., Mittermeier R. A., Handbook of the mammals of the world, Vol. 7, Rodents 2, Lynx Editions, Barcelona, Spain, 2017, 1007 pp. 6. Xu L. 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H., The *Rhizomys sinensis* domesticated research, Master Dissertation in Chinese Academy of Forestry, 2012. 2022-12-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A STUDY OF CHEMOSENSORY SYSTEMS IN FRESHWATER AND MARINE FISHES OF VIETNAM 2024-11-01T09:25:13+07:00 KASUMYAN A. O PASHCHENKO N. I ISAEVA O. M OANH L. T. K. The sensory systems of tropical fish remain poorly studied despite the richness and diversity of the tropical ichthyofauna. Studies of the olfactory and gustatory systems in fishes of Vietnam have not been previously carried out. The article for the first time provides information about the morphology of the olfactory organ in several species of freshwater and marine fish of families Anabantidae, Pomacentridae, Labridae, Mullidae. The morphological peculiarities of the olfactory cavity, olfactory rosette and lamellae, and ventilation olfactory sacs are discussed. Structures previously unknown for the olfactory organ of fish are described for the first time. The mechanisms of ventilation of the olfactory cavity are considered. Data on the effectiveness of natural taste deterrents and their significance in providing chemical protection for marine animals and plants against fish are presented. The relationships between hosts and symbionts in the example of echinoderms and other invertebrates of coral reefs of Vietnam are discussed. How the animal chemical defense and their coloration are related is analyzed. Data on taste preferences in cultivated fish are obtained. 2022-12-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024